Dear Members,
Firstly, please let me start by wishing you and your family a Happy New Year. I sincerely hope that 2025 is a year that lives up to your expectations and is a positive, exciting 12 months.
I write to you today primarily to confirm the new date for the 2024 AGM, and to share with you some amendments the committee would like to propose. These are based on our reflections on club life over the past 12 months, and how we can continue to ensure the club prospers.
The AGM will be held at the club on Monday 24th February with a 7.30pm start. Registration will be open from 7pm.
Michael Beech Stands Down As Chair
At December’s committee meeting, Michael Beech confirmed his intention to stand down as Chair.
Michael has been on the committee at Mottram CC since he was 14 and has been the driver behind many of the successful ideas that have helped the club grow in recent years.
He championed the introduction of our Sunday teams, was a vital component of the club navigating the tricky times of COVID and has displayed a relentless enthusiasm for improving Mottram CC in all areas.
Whilst Michael is stepping away from club duties for the time being, I intend to get him back in the fold when the time is right for him
Naturally, this leaves the Chair position vacant. To ensure continuity and a steady hand, the committee has asked Ayrton Fielding to return as Chair. Ayrton has agreed to this, subject to ratification by members at the AGM.
Of course, nominations for this and any other committee position will be accepted, as is normal practice until Thursday 30th January. (See AGM notification below for further details).
Oliver Andrew Stands Down as 1st XI Captain
Oliver Andrew has also confirmed to the committee, that he intends to step down as 1st XI captain for 2025 and concentrate fully on his role as a vital playing member of the 1st XI.
As a committee we fully respect Oliver’s decision and want to thank him for the commitment and leadership he showed as Captain in the 2024 season.
He is currently wintering extremely well with Wangaratta Magpies CC in Australia, and we look forward to him returning home.
Creation Of New Committee Positions
As a committee we are committed to continually assessing and improving all aspects of the club’s running.
We have concluded that to maintain the club’s positive momentum, we must proactively grow the number of members engaged in developing the club on and off the pitch.
As such, we propose to introduce a
new committee position of Community Lead, tasked with leading engagement with residents and local community groups on how they can benefit from interaction with the cricket club.
We also propose that our
existing Junior Parent Liaison Officer Paul Fletcher attends the Committee, in addition to his position on the Junior Committee. Paul is a link between our coaches and junior parents and is integral in providing a welcoming introduction to new junior players. Paul has confirmed his intention to continue in the role in 2025.
In addition, I also want to use this opportunity to highlight our desire to fulfill two of the other vacant roles on the committee.
Firstly, Media and Communications Lead. We are keen to build on the existing work done on our newsletter and social media channels with a dedicated person leading our communications with support from across the cricket club.
Secondly, Social Lead.
The club has a great track record with events like the Race Night, Diggle Brass Band, and the recent Halloween + Christmas parties. Having a Social Lead in place would enable running these events to become slicker, whilst also adding new ideas across the club calendar.
Beyond this, we remain very keen to hear from members who want to get involved in the club in any capacity. Whether it be supporting grant applications, helping with club grounds and facilities or a totally new angle you feel we are missing.
Please do get in touch if you think you can help.
AGM Notification
The AGM will be held on Monday 24th February with a 7.30pm start. Registration will be open from 7pm.
Nominations for any position should be made by email, to the club's general email ( no later than Thursday 30th January. This email should clearly identify the position for which they are being nominated and confirm who seconds this nomination.
There are 7 vacant positions, these are:
The existing positions which are not vacant, but for which nominations can still be received are:
For more information on what these positions entail, please email
Other Resolutions
Anyone wishing to raise a specific rule(s) resolution or an item for Any Other Business must do so by Thursday 30th January, by emailing
Any AOB items raised prior to the deadline for the original AGM date have been noted and will be added to the agenda.
There is no recourse at the AGM for unannounced business.
Agenda and Associated Documentation
After Thursday 30th January, the agenda and any necessary associated documentation will be finalised. Documents will be available for download on the club website and emailed out to members on our database.
The club accounts will be available (after auditors review) prior to the meeting by request to and discussed at a top level on the night.
I look forward to seeing lots of you at the AGM. In the meantime, if you have any questions or queries, you can contact myself via 07702 068675 or
Liam Wright